Looking to Promote your Business - Bribie Island Central can help!

1 February, 2025-31 July, 2025

Don't Miss This Opportunity to Promote Your Business!

Launch a concept, test an idea, or grow your brand.

Bribie Island Central provides the ideal retail environment for Casual Mall Leasing or “Pop Up” retailing.
Why not position your brand, services, or products in a busy centre for a day, a week, or a month?


Benefits of Casual Mall Leasing at Bribie Island Central:

  • Introduce products or services to “purchase-ready” shoppers ($2.3M MAT traffic annually)
  • Showcase or launch your brand within a proven retail environment
  • Flexible and affordable
  • Anchored by strong performing
  • On-grade car spaces
  • We’re a national company, so you can grow your business within a number of Charter Hall shopping centres


Don't miss out! Contact us today and let's grow your business together!